Our Breeding Program and Studding Services


There is a great deal of consideration that goes into choosing a breeding pair that is the most suitable. Comparing the colors, looks, and temperament of each dog in order to determine the most suitable match.

As a matter of policy, we always place the health of our dogs first, particularly if we feel that the health of the dogs would be jeopardized by another breeding session. Their placement in the program has come to an end, and they will continue to live in the residence of their guardians.


    We also have some of our males available for studding, however, this requires information from the female owner. The communication may take the form of a telephone call, video call, or text message. Both parties will be required to sign a contract.

    For inquiries regarding one of our studs, please provide the following information.

    • Breed 
    • Height
    • Weight
    • Age
    • Name of the stud you prefer

    One of our team members will get in touch within 24 hrs