About Us

The family, along with our breeding dogs, resides in Medicine Hat, Alberta. During 2018, Dixie, Renae, and Torri decided to breed doodles. In order to produce healthy puppies, we believe breeding genetically cleared parents is essential.

There is a critical importance to the environment in which puppies are born and raised during the first several weeks of their lives. Every puppy is handled from birth, Renae and Torri are present at every delivery. Monitoring the health of the mother and ensuring that each puppy is weighed and nursing. During the first few weeks after birth, Dixie keeps watch over the puppies and their mother to ensure they are doing well.

 Dog Breeder 1 Posts

Torri Zimmerman

She loves dogs and is also a photographer and hiker. She is often seen with a camera or with Drew. Her duties include taking all the photos for ZimmDoodles, answering phone calls, texts, and emails, handling paperwork for each dog and litter, assembling puppy packs, participating in the breeding process, delivering the puppies, caring for them as they grow & more.

Meet Renae

Renae Zimmerman

Renae is in the AHS and also a qualified figure skating coach. She is involved in the breeding process, delivery, and taking care of the puppies as they grow. 


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Dixie Zimmerman

Dixie is on night-time duty with the puppies starting when they are first born and until they go home. In the first few weeks she stays in the room with the pups to make sure they are latching on to mom and keeping an eye on them all. As they get older Dixie moves out of the nursery though still listens in case they need her.

Health and Well Being

Why Trust ZimmDoodles

It is the goal of ZimmDoodles to continually strive to improve its program. Participating in educational programs that are of high quality and trustworthiness. A Code of Ethics is required by the American Cockapoo Club and by the DoodleDoods as well. When you know that your breeder follows a standard, you can feel confident that your future puppy will be born from healthy parents, who are well-cared for and adored.